With the holiday season approaching, don't fall for fraud! Remember that we will never call, text, or email you for personal information.
As always, you can bank with us online and on your mobile device wherever, whenever. View Digital Banking
Earn a $90 cash bonus for each new member you bring to America’s CU.
Choose direct deposit for a faster, easier, and safer way to electronically get your pay into your account.
With that one simple decision, you can skip waiting for a paper check and avoid having that paper check printed in the first place. Direct deposit means no waiting for a check because the funds are already there!
Direct deposit works great for a variety of transactions, including payroll, tax refunds, Social Security, and more. Don’t miss a chance to use direct deposit! We’ll help you get set up.
Get Started at Your Workplace
For payroll direct deposit, your employer will need some account information from you.